
What If…? Season 2: Episode 3’s Release Date is Justified

The sophomore season of What If…? has concluded as quickly as it premiered. Courtesy of its daily release schedule.

What If...? Season 2

As earlier mentioned in a previous article, this season of What If…? featured a number of original narratives. Of which, the festive themed episode 3 is one example.

Being the only Christmas-themed episode, one would expect the episode to have been released on the 25th of December. But instead, the What If…? Season 2 episode dropped on the eve of Christmas.

What If...? Season 2 Episode 3

While the episode makes it known that its events do occur on Christmas eve through verbal exposition. A further detail within the episode justifies this.

The Watcher - What If...? Season 2

Basically, when Justin Hammer breaks into the Avengers Tower and storms into what seems to be the main hall where a number of guests had gathered. He quickly tells one of his Russian goons to retrieve a tab from one of the Tower’s workers. In order to reboot and take control of the Iron Legion.

A quick look at the tab reveals the day’s date displayed on it just before Justin Hammer begins his misdeed.

The date revealed is none other than the date for Christmas eve. Which of course corresponds to the real life date the What If…? Season 2 episode released.

More to the Date

Another interesting thing this reveals is the fact that it has been quite a while since the dates of the MCU corresponded to real life dates. Which hasn’t been the case since the release of Avengers: Endgame. Courtesy of its 5-year time jump. Which has since put the MCU’s dates ahead of that of the real world’s.

But that’s not to say that the MCU and real world’s dates have now aligned. Because as we already know, What If…? isn’t exactly canon to the main MCU timeline.

But rather What If…? has and could possibly always exist as an offshoot of the MCU.

Seasons 1-2 of What If…? are available for streaming.

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